
The future of Becker Nachrichtentechnik GmbH

From January 2023 there will be a generation change in the management of Becker Nachrichtentechnik. In addition to Jan Reifenhäuser, who completed his training in the company before his studies, the company will remain family-run with Karl Becker, the son of the company founder and current managing director Martin Becker. This young and dynamic dual leadership paves the way for a successful future.

'The goals are clear - high customer satisfaction, an innovative product range and the creation of a sustainable healthy working atmosphere are our top priorities. We are particularly pleased to be able to continue to offer our employees a secure job and to be able to maintain long-term business partnerships. That was us a very important concern during the discussions about the succession arrangements.'

In cooperation with the company founder Martin Becker, both new managing directors have already had the opportunity to be intensively introduced to their new areas of responsibility in recent years and are therefore well prepared for the challenges ahead. Martin Becker will continue to support the company in an advisory role with his many years of expertise in the field of high-frequency technology. Benjamin Britz-Ries will continue to direct the development activities in the company in order to be able to guarantee consistently high product quality and long-term customer satisfaction.



Karl Becker

Managing Director Operations & Finance


During his mechanical engineering studies at Clausthal University of Technology, Karl Becker worked for various companies in the automotive industry. Washed back home by the outbreak of the corona pandemic, he has been with the company since 2020 - first in the area of ​​electrical and mechanical design and a short time later as production manager. From January 2023 he will lead the operational and financial activities in the company.

'Respect, gratitude and courage - these are the first words that come to mind when I think about my past and future career in the company. Respect for what my father has built here over the last 20 years. Gratitude for the trust placed in us by customers, partners and, last but not least, our employees. And the courage to continue to face challenges, to recognize opportunities and to seize them! I look forward to shaping the future of the company together with Jan Reifenhäuser.'




Jan Reifenhäuser

Managing Director Engineering


Jan Reifenhäuser is a familiar face in the company thanks to both his training and his many years of work at Becker Nachrichtentechnik. After completing his studies in electrical engineering and information technology at the Technical University of Munich, he returned to the company in 2021. From 2023, as managing director and head of software development, he will play a key role in shaping the company's fortunes, also with regard to technology development and quality management.

'I have known the company, its employees and business partners for more than 10 years. I am overwhelmed by the trust that has been placed in me and I am happy to manage the company together with Karl Becker. I will do everything I can to offer our employees a secure job and to further expand the high-quality standard of our products and services.'



自 1996 年成立以来,Becker Nachrichtentechnik 一直是一家家族企业,现在已经是第二代了。除了为客户创造技术创新和高度集成的特殊解决方案外,在可持续性和个人责任方面保持基于崇高理想的价值格局也是重中之重。这帮助我们建立了广泛的技能,使公司得以稳步发展。我们现在为世界各地的客户提供满意的产品——从研究机构到世界知名的智能手机制造商或汽车集团。





 我们为您提供最佳解决方案 - 期待与您的合作!






凭借我们多年的经验,我们不仅是高品质,高创新的高频通信技术产品的制造商,也是面向客户解决方案和订单开发的服务提供商。 确保产品质量是我们的第一要务,这样才能持续满足客户的需求。 我们的团队依赖于公司内部以及与客户之间可信赖的沟通。因为我们产品的质量保证始于公司的工作氛围和与客户的良好沟通。 伴随着“从构思到量产,我们为您一手打造”这个座右铭,我们在通信技术领域不断增长的挑战中发展壮大。 创新产品的不断开发是贝克尔公司的企业目标。













letzte Änderung: 27.09.2023